Oregon Plan Habitat Surveys

Oregon Plan Habitat Surveys
Oregon Plan Habitat Surveys assess habitat conditions for wadeable streams within the distribution range of coho salmon throughout Oregon.
Basin-Wide Habitat Surveys

Basin-Wide Habitat Surveys
Basin-wide or Census Surveys capture the most reliable and accurate aquatic habitat conditions at a watershed scale.
Juvenile Salmon Surveys

Juvenile Salmon Surveys
Juvenile Salmon Surveys monitor the distribution and abundance of juvenile coho salmon, steelhead, cutthroat trout, and freshwater mussels in Western Oregon.
Non-Wadeable Habitat Monitoring

Non-Wadeable Habitat Monitoring
Non-Wadeable Habitat Surveys describe habitat conditions across non-wadeable systems using a hybrid design of traditional survey techniques and new technologies, including Side-Scan Sonar and Drones.
Habitat Restoration Monitoring

Habitat Restoration Monitoring
Habitat Restoration Monitoring tracks changes that occur due to stream enhancement projects.
Aquatic Inventories Project Archives

The Archives Page is currently under construction.