Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring
Constable, R.J. and E. Suring. 2025. Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring in Coastal Oregon and Lower Columbia Streams, 2024 Field Season. Monitoring Program Report Number OPSW-ODFW-2025-1, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.
Falcy, M.R. and R.J. Constable, Jr. 2024. Quantifying uncertainty when extrapolating the relationship between snorkel counts and mark-recapture estimates of juvenile salmonids. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Crowley, S.E. and R.J. Constable, Jr. 2024. Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ssp.) distribution, abundance, and habitat surveys in the streams of Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon. Science Bulletin 2024-04. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.
Constable Jr, R.J. and Suring, E., 2023. Implications of Metrics and Methodology for Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring in Western Oregon Streams. Northwest Science, 96(1-2), pp.63-79.
Scully-Englemeyer, Emilie Blevins, Elise F. Granek, and Ron Constable. 2022. Freshwater mussel populations in Pacific Coast Watersheds (Oregon, USA): occurrence, condition, habitat, and fish species overlap. Hydrobiologia.
Constable, R.J. and E. Suring. 2020. Juvenile Salmonid Monitoring in Coastal Oregon and Lower Columbia Streams, 2019 Field Season. Monitoring Program Report Number OPSW-ODFW-2020-1, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.
Constable, R.J. 2019. Juvenile Steelhead Monitoring in the Chetco Bar Fire Burn Area, 2018. Monitoring Program Report Number OPSW-ODFW-2019-4, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.
Constable, R.J. and E. Suring. 2018. Smolt Abundance Estimates for the Oregon Coast Coho Evolutionarily Significant Unit. Information Report 2018-04, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.